ACL 2.2.0 Plugin for CakePHP 2.2.3

This plugin is such an interface allowing to manage permissions of your application's users and roles.

1. Download latest CakePHP latest stable in

2. Install CakePHP see how: Install CakePHP 2.x in Ubuntu.

3. Setup a Simple Acl Controlled Application follow instruction here : Simple  Acl Controlled Application , part 1 only.

4. Download ACL Plugin for CakePHP 2.2

ACL Plugin Installation

see more: ACL Plugin Installation

 5. In your bootstrap.php located in your cakefolder/app/Plugin/Acl/Config/bootsrap.php. If you use groups (if you use database in in simple acl controlled application)  change 'Role' into 'Group'

Configure :: write('acl.aro.role.model', 'Role');

or just download this :) : CakePHP 2.2.3 with AUTH ACL 2.2.0 Plugin Installed
